Stefan Kaestle
DFINITY, Zurich, Switzerland
About me Publications DFINITY Foundation Oracle labs ETH Zurich IBM Smarthome Shoal Smelt Machine Learning

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I am passionate about building smart home systems based on the excellent OpenHab project.

A few years ago I made the initial contribution for the Bosch Smart Home integration, which has since been merged into the main OpenHab project. Its development has now been picked up by others in the community and is still being actively maintained.

I also develop a Smarthome visualization almost entirely written in Rust and compiled to wasm to run in a browser. As other systems, the visualiztion relies on a background image representing a 3d rendered version of the floorplan of the house.

What makes the system unique is that each transition of the smart home triggers rendering a new image. For example, if a light is dimmed, the light bulb in the image is dimmed as well. Similarly, the position of blinds is accurately represented in the rendered image. Even the position and strength of the sun is taken into account when rendering the 3D view of the house.